How to Treat Whiplash from a Car Accident

Imagine the following scenario: You´re on your way to work early one morning, sitting patiently at a stoplight waiting for the light to turn green, when suddenly you feel a violent force hit the back of your car propelling your body forward. Thanks to your seatbelt, your head avoided hitting the windshield, but as you… Continue reading How to Treat Whiplash from a Car Accident

Pain After a Car Accident

After you have been in a car accident there is a lot going on in your mind at one time. Some of the many thoughts racing through your mind might be, Am I okay? Is my car, okay? How expensive is this going to be? If you are lucky to walk out of a car… Continue reading Pain After a Car Accident

Do You Have A Curve In Your Spine After A Car Accident?

As you can imagine, it’s very common to have a sore body after getting into a car accident. Back and neck pain are most common after getting into even minor car accidents. While you may think it’s okay to brush off a few bruises and a slight twinge of pain, this could be a sign… Continue reading Do You Have A Curve In Your Spine After A Car Accident?